Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 106: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

"Oh, I'm onto your game, De Nils. Diamonds are worthless other than the value attached to them by the silly tramps you have brain washed into thinking that diamonds equal love. Guess what, sluts? Your quest for the perfect princess cut supports terrorism and genocide. Congratulations, your avarice has managed to destroy an entire continent!"

Now I was going to go with yet another horror movie in honor of Halloween and it is then that I realized that it is a new month.  Not only is it a new month, but a new week, hence it being my turn in the order.  But this is a movie review site, not a place for me to rant about the obvious so onto the actual review.

This week’s selection is actually one of my favorite movies, a fact that a lot of people may disagree with.  It is beyond vulgar, lacks a real plotline, and the acting is subpar.  Of course the next logical question would be, then why in the hell is it one of your favorite movies?  The answer is simple.  The wit throughout this movie is absolutely beyond anything of that I have seen in a long time.  Now perhaps I am a bit biased due to the fact that a. I read the book the movie is based on and b. My friends and I aspire to be even an inkling of how witty and intelligent the characters are.  But the fact remains that this movie, no matter how misguided it is, is beyond sharp.

The basic premise revolves around three friends that go on a minor road trip for a friend’s bachelor party.  The main character and resident prick makes the other two go for a supposed amazing strip club.  Of course, nothing goes as planned and one of the friends ends up in prison, one having sex with a midget, and the other playing video games and later having sex with a stripper.  This is then followed with the reconciling of the three friends after one of them lied to the others.

Before you go thinking that I am ruining the movie for you, I’m most definitely not.  The true splendor in this movie has nothing to do with the actual plotline at all, but rather in the commentary along the way.  At some points in the film there is literally nothing occurring to move the plot along but is instead devoted to the three friends sitting around quipping back and forth.  This is one of the things that will turn people off from the film, as there are a lot of people who need something to be going on in order to keep their devout attention.  There are, however, some minor scenes that will have people of a wide variety laughing.  An example of this involves the most simple of humor types, the poop humor.   I won’t go into any details but the movie includes one of the most appalling fecal scenes ever to have graced the screen.

With its sardonic wit and overall pessimistic outlook, this movie really isn’t for everyone.  For those who can appreciate a good insult or are looking to expand their vocabulary I would most definitely recommend it.  Most of the population, however, will find it both morally repulsive and against all of their beliefs.  There is mention of sex with midgets, mutes, and even an actual sex scene involving a def girl (which comes right before the opening credits).  There is no holding back in regards to the vulgarity and ghastly nature of this movie.  For those among us that still have a shred of innocence, STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE.  But for those of us that have willingly accepted the atrocities that surround us, feel free to indulge in an amazing raunch-fest of the likes you have never seen.  

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