"Sometimes the things you can't change end up changing you."
Continuing along with my recent journey through independent films, this week brings me to a directorial debut of Jieho Lee, who not only directed “The Air I Breathe” but also wrote the script along with Bob DeRosa. As an independent movie, it really boasts a stellar cast. Starring in the movie is Brendan Fraser, Keven Bacon, Forest Whitaker, Andy Garcia, and Sarah Michelle Gellar. The amazing part is that all of these characters have a large effect on the story. It's not often that you find a movie where so many people affect its message. A typical movie layout would be a protagonist vs. antagonist, but Jieho Lee went in a whole new direction.
The movie is based off of four human emotions and each one is presented through one of the characters in the movie. There is Happiness (Whitaker), Pleasure (Fraser), Sorrow (Gellar), and Love (Bacon). It's interesting that throughout the entire movie, we don't hear anyone of the character's real names. The closest we get to any name is Gellar's stage name, Trista.
The film opens up with Whitaker (happiness) who over hears what is believed to be a sure outcome at a horse race, and decides to bet on the horse. Of course, nothing is ever a sure thing and now he needs to pay up his dues because his horse didn't win, but the problem is the betting pool is run by a head gangster who goes by the name of “Fingers.” Needing money fast, Whitaker decides to rob a bank to avoid any trouble with Fingers. As you can imagine, the name Fingers was derived from his habit of cutting off the fingers of people who were against him. The bank heist doesn't go smoothly, and Whitaker is surrounded on a roof by police after fleeing the bank. He is asked to drop his gun, but doesn't do what he is asked, and is shot and killed by the police. So, why is it that Whitaker is playing the roll of happiness? Well, it may seem strange, but he was living in a world of regret and shame, and for once in his life, right before he was shot and killed, he felt happiness knowing that he wouldn't have to worry about the cares of the world any longer, nor would he have to worry about Fingers.
Now Fraser (Pleasure) comes into play. He has an interesting power that allows him to foresee the future of people that he meets. It seems like something that could really come in handy, and that's not to say it doesn't, but it also takes away the pleasure of life's surprises. It's ironic that Fraser actually works for Fingers, and is one of the favorites in the gang due to his special abilities.
Gellar (Sorrow), is a well known singer who goes by the stage name “Trista.” Trista's manager owes Fingers money, and starts using Trista's money to pay off his dues. The money isn't enough to cover his large debt, so he takes it to another level and hands over Trista's label contract to Fingers, allowing him to become Trista's new manager. After multiple disagreements with Fingers, Trista is on the run from him. Of course, during their disputes, Trista comes across Pleasure (Fraser). Fraser takes sides with her and allows her to stay with him, keeping her away from Fingers.
Bacon (Love), is the next character to come into the story. He is a doctor who is regretful for never asking the woman he loved how he felt, and lost out on her. This woman ends up getting bit by a poisonous snake and needs a rare form of blood to keep her from dying. It ends up that Trista is one of the few people that have this blood type, and it becomes a mission to find her and use her as help to save this woman's life.
As you can see, this is where the movie takes a huge turn, but it is brilliant. For those of you who don't mind being spoiled, you can read on, and as for others, I suggest you skip the red text.
It ends up that Fraser (Pleasure) and Trista (Sorrow) fall and love and Trista becomes pregnant. All of this happens while she is in hiding from Fingers. Fingers of course finds out about the situation and kills Fraser right in front of Trista. Fraser plays the roll of pleasure because of the pleasure he found in finally having someone to share love with. It was something he had never felt before. Trista, on the other hand, plays the role of sorrow because she has just lost the only person she had ever fallen in love with, and also has a baby on the way who will not have a father. Continuing along, Bacon eventually finds Trista to ask her for the donation of her blood, but he finds her on a rooftop getting ready to jump and commit suicide. He ends up convincing her to help his friend who is dying from the snake bite, and as a gift for giving them blood, Bacon gives Trista his car so she can escape from Fingers and his gang. As the movie comes to a close, Whitaker (Happiness) lands on Trista's car as he fell from the rooftop where he was shot by the police after the bank robbery.
It's amazing how the story is so well strung together. It is really fun to watch as you see four people who are total strangers, eventually become the key to one another's escape. Each character had something that one of the others needed, but they all had to go through one common factor, that being Fingers.
Lee did a great job with this film, especially given the fact that it was his first time directing a featured film. I find myself watching this movie on a regular basis, not only because it presents a good story, but because it really puts an emphasis on those four human emotions: Happiness, Pleasure, Sorrow and Love.
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