"When we talked, I talked about me, you talked about you, when we should have talked about each other."
On the back of the "Breathless" Criterion DVD it says, "There was before Breathless, and there was after Breathless." Every few generations there's a film that changes every way we look at a film. Whether it be the stunning visuals that the Director of Photography is able to create, the sharp dialog that a screenwriter is able to construct, or the overall message that a film conveys in a matter of 90 minutes. The leader of the French New-Wave, Jean-Luc Godard, was able to combine all of those elements in only his first major motion-picture. Godard is famous for being a sort of pessimist when it comes to Cinema; he's always been interested in painting a moving picture for the crowd to admire instead of a narrative that has to include a traditional narrative or story.